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143 Articles

The Principal Factors in Women Depression

Depression, a mood disorder in people that causes negative feelings, loneliness, sadness,…

Top 3 Most Effective Ways to Shed Those Extra Pounds

If you’re running a continuous battle of the bulge, the time may…

Is it Obesity or the Use of FAD and Extreme Weight Loss Schemes That is Killing us?

About Obesity Obesity is considered when the body has accumulated excess fat…


Why you should laugh with MYVIRALBOX Human are social animals, we interact…

Overweight Teenager: What To Do?

Overweight teenager An overweight teenager, how to act? Some teenagers tend to…

How to lose weight for an overweight child?

Overweight child Beyond the physical discomfort, an overweight child is synonymous of…

Casino Games and Their Effect on Physical Health

Casino Games and Health Gambling often comes with a series of negative…

4 tips to lose a ton of fat with bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Bodybuilding is not only effective for building muscle mass. With a…

Top 10 tips to weight loss quickly & without starving

Weight loss quickly No need to embark on a draconian diet to…