After a long workout, you tend to treat yourself to a nicely prepared meal. Even if you’re still choosing healthy foods, thinking of what you’ll eat is a great way to motivate yourself to power through that extra rep at the gym. That meal is a reward, but if you’re working so hard for dinner, are you making sure you are putting good food in your body before your workout? What are you eating to prep your muscles for an hour of intense physical activity? It’s important to fuel your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs so your body doesn’t take energy from the very part you’re trying to strengthen: your muscles. That’s right, when your body doesn’t get all the energy it needs from healthy foods, then it starts to feed off your muscles for that energy. Although it may at first seem counterintuitive, eating a healthy snack or meal is crucial to a successful workout. The key is to eat nutrient-dense foods, so you can get all of the nutrition you need without overeating.
Eating carbs before a workout
Eating protein before a workout
Eating healthy fat before a workout
You can always make a combination of these foods, too. A piece of toast with peanut butter and a banana, for example, is a great way to get a source of carbs, protein and fat without overeating before your afternoon workout. The options are endless; just remember these three essential nutrients, and try to eat no sooner than half an hour before you slip on your workout clothes.

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