Immunity Boosting
Are you afraid of gaining weight from regular consumption of avocados? While a medium-sized avocado contains about 270 calories and 28 g of fat, it still remains one of the best foods you should include in your meal every day. Avocados are packed with immunity boosting nutrients and healthy compounds. In addition, avocado is a super food that is loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants.
Here are some of the reasons as to why you should eat one avocado everyday to boost your immune system:
- Rich in Carotenoids
Lutein is one of the carotenoids you can get in plenty by regularly eating avocados. Lutein functions as an antioxidant which is renowned in preventing eye disease. Other antioxidants found in avocados include alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, vitamin E and zeaxanthin. Carotenoids are soluble in fat, which also help your body to absorb other essential nutrients. This means that eating foods that that are rich in carotenoids along with healthy fruits and vegetables will boost nourishment. Adding a slice of avocado to a mixed salad is one of the best options.
- Avocados Regulate Blood Sugar
Loaded with plenty of monounsaturated fat, an avocado slice in a meal slows digestion while preventing a rise in blood sugar after eating. Studies have shown that eating foods containing good fats can help to reverse insulin resistance, which is very vital towards a steady blood sugar levels over time. This can help in preventing type-2 diabetes. To regulate your blood sugar, add mashed avocado on your sandwiches rather than putting mayonnaise. You can also put mashed avocado in your bread instead of butter. To avoid wastage, use a cooking spray or a coat of lemon juice and put in a plastic bag.
- Avocados Help In Weight Loss
This sounds odd but it is a fact. Weight loss is very vital in boosting your immune system. For every half an avocado you eat, you ingest about 3.4 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber, which are both required by your body to improve the digestive system. In addition, soluble fiber slows the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down for energy production, helping you to feel fuller for long. In addition, avocados are loaded with oleic acid, a type of fat that stimulates your brain to feel satisfied. This means an avocado a day will help you shed the extra pounds for an improved immune system.
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- Avocados Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
For a single cup of avocado you consume, your body is receiving the recommended daily intake of folate. In addition, avocados contain cholesterol-lowering properties. Studies have shown a strong connection between folate deficiencies and increased risk of heart disease. By keeping your heart healthy, eating an avocado everyday will ensure that your immune system doesn’t become compromised.
- Avocado Prevents Birth Defects
Folate deficiencies in pregnant women have been associated with increased risk of birth defects. The good news is that eating an avocado everyday if you are pregnant or planning to be will help to protect your unborn while averting heart disease.
Bring Down Bad Cholesterol
In what researchers thought to be due to oleic acid, one study found out that people who regularly consumed avocado-rich diet significantly decreased their total cholesterol levels, including “bad” or LDL cholesterol. Surprisingly, their levels of “good” or HDL cholesterol rose by 11%. High cholesterol levels are strongly connected with heart disease. Folate content and cholesterol-lowering properties in avocado will protect your heart.
There appears to be plenty of amazing health benefits in eating one avocado everyday. It is loaded with healthy ingredients for the immunity boosting while offering protection against certain ailments. While eating more than one avocado a day can lead to weight gain, incorporating half a slice in your daily meals will improve your health. Enjoy an avocado today!
Author Bio
Kathy Mitchell is an American content writer. She belongs to a health and beauty expert family. Her writing skills are descriptive and meaningful. She has been working with consumer health digest over 5 years. In her spare time she loves to read health and lifestyle news. Her articles are both professional and creative. You can contact her on Facebook and twitter

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