There’s rarely anything as beneficial for our bodies and mind as working out; however, to get the right result and, even more importantly, not hurt yourself – working out properly is the ultimate must. This is why training with supervision (unless you are the instructor) is always advised, as is knowing your limits.
To be super successful, you need to be relaxed and happy about your physical engagement as it will result in wonderful achievements. Also, you need to be diligent about it, especially when you’ve got a particular reason (apart from the overall well-being of your body) and goal in mind. As you know – reasons are many, and one of them is post surgery mandatory workout you need to be very careful about.
For everyone who’s undergone plastic surgery recently, we are giving you advice on how to workout and heal quicker and safer.
For everyone who is looking to go back into their exercising routine after they’ve had a surgery, the best time to do so is about six weeks after the surgery; treadmill, elliptical trainer, running and speed walking are all excellent forms of aerobic exercise.
We’d suggest avoiding weight lifting as it can put a significant strain on the incisions and the sutures. Once you are properly healed, you can go back to lifts but slowly.
To heal properly, do less weight and fewer repetitions than you were used to doing. Let your body guide you, and you’ll be fine.
Face-lift surgery
Pain and discomfort following the surgery are unavoidable but if you are careful enough, there’s nothing to worry about. Two or three days after bedrest start moving around the house, lightly. Don’t update your gym membership card just yet; rather, start with mild exercises around the house like washing the dishes, dusting, cooking or any other exercise that doesn’t ask for much engagement.
Until your stitches are taken out (that’s the first week), stick to isometric exercises – e.g raise your hands above your head and hold for a count of 10, move your torso from side to side slowly and carefully to avoid any stitches pulling out, squeeze your buttocks, hold and release… As you begin to feel better, start going for 15-20 minute walks.
Breast augmentation surgery
According to, doctors performing plastic surgery in Sydney have found “the most attractive breast augmentation results are seen in women that have stopped working out completely for at least 4 weeks after surgery”. They also agree on the fact that this advice has “worked best for our competitive athletes, as well as non-professional athletes that usually work out every day”. Since breast surgery is really painful, it’s important to listen to your body and not force anything on it. If you are impatient and can’t wait for the four weeks to pass, you can start working out after three weeks, but keep it light – spinning, walking and no lifting! According to Jose M. Soler-Baillo MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon “the metabolic rate rises when the body undergoes a surgical procedure, so for a few weeks you will burn extra calories, without lifting a finger”. Well, there you go!
We assume working out is a big part of your life (or it was just becoming when you’ve opted for the surgery) but you need to keep it light, at least until you are fully healed.

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