Why you should laugh with MYVIRALBOX
Human are social animals, we interact with others, exchange information and stay up-to-date. One of the sources for all this information is social media or news channels. They keep us posted about the things going around us and in the world, but recently with all this boom in social media, news are more about the expression than the content itself. According to Times (U.S leading news) more than 50% of American reported that news is the reason for depression for them. Still 1 out of 10 American checks news every hour and 20% of them keep on checking their social media which lets them get latest news headlines even if they want to see it or not. Being a part of this social web, we are all aware that most of the news won’t do any good but will just stress us.
Humor good for health
Yet we all want to know the latest insights about countries, celebrities, games, sports, technology trends and health, not as a stress element in life but something refreshing at the start of the day. For people who need updates but from a very light and humorous perspective MYVIRALBOX is a newfangled, posting valid, relevant and trending stories. The headlines are catchy and humorous, stating incidents which are never mentioned on any news channel like a dog wining race, a man who hiccupped for his entire life; things which are funny yet informative. Being a celebrity follower is quite common and what their Instagram of Twitter may not tell you will be found on MYVIRALBOX, like their weird habits, their social circles, hobbies and funny incidents of their life.
There is “WEIRD” section, which carves some of the funniest incidents in the form of short stories, like “A man died drinking water”. For a better user participation, they have a “submit your silly story”, where you can send them our funny stories and they will post them to bring laughter to others life. So Staying informed is a good thing but staying informed in a funny way is even better.
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