Candida is genus of yeasts and it falls into a category of one of the most common causes of fungal infections all around the world. This fungus is present in a very small amount in our mouths and intestines. The problem occurs when it starts overproducing as it can lead to many other health issues. Although women are more susceptible to genital yeast infections, men can also get infected. The most threatened groups are people with impaired immune systems and also people who suffer from diabetes. Here you will read all about what are most common symptoms of Candida overgrowth and what are the most efficient ways to treat it.
What Causes It?
Although a small amount of this fungus is always present in your organism, there are certain factors that cause overproduction of candida. The most common cause of candida overgrowth is an unbalanced and unhealthy diet. A diet that consists mostly of carbohydrates, sugar and fermented foods is likely to contribute to overproduction of candida. Also, consuming a high amount of alcohol has been known to lead to this infection. Another thing that has been linked to candida overgrowth are oral contraceptives and certain combination of antibiotics. High levels of stress can also be one of the causes of candida.
Candida overgrowth can be manifested in different ways. Some of the most common symptoms that people experience are chronic fatigue and languor, mood swings and other similar issues like anxiety and even depression. Also, some people may sustain some skin issues such as eczema, hives and different types of rashes, sometimes even seasonal allergies. One of the most typical symptoms are digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea. Candida overgrowth has also been linked to autoimmune diseases such as lupus, psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. Some people may even have some difficulty with concentrating, memory and lack of focus.
Prevention and Treatment
In order to cleanse your body and get rid of this infection it is crucial to know how to properly detoxify your organism. There are a few steps that must be followed through to make sure that your body returns to its natural state. First and foremost, you must stop the candida overgrowth. The best way to do this is by changing your eating habits and maintaining a healthy diet. Cut the sugar and the fermented foods and switch to a low carbohydrate diet. The second thing you must do is to build up the friendly bacteria in your body. This can be managed by taking a fair amount of probiotics to restore the level of good bacteria in your organism. Last but not least is healing your gut. The best way to do this is by eliminating certain foods and eating flaxseeds, chia seeds, fresh smoothies and yogurt. Of course, it is always better to be safe than sorry, so it is much better to start with prevention on time. Implement a regular fitness regime and a healthy diet to build up your immune system. Also, make sure to use condoms during intercourse to reduce the chances of genital infections.
Candida overgrowth is something that happens quite often but it is not to be taken lightly. Although it does not fall into a category of more serious diseases, if not treated properly and on time it can develop into something more severe. That is why it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle and take good care of both your physical and mental health so you could try and prevent the increase of candida levels in your organism.

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