Vitamin and Nutrient
Vitamin and Nutrient are important, we know that. These are components that our body needs every in small amount. They are organic compounds that our body uses for metabolic processes. Most of these vitamins and minerals are supplied to the body through the food that we eat. However, there are conditions that require the boy to take vitamin and mineral supplements to correct deficiencies.
Most people who need the benefit of these supplements are:
- Pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding – they need this because they need to share the vitamins and minerals they get from food to another body (the baby). The vitamins and minerals from the food intake may not be enough anymore for two bodies.
- People who drink alcohol, cigarette smokers, and illegal drug users – these vices are ones that produce more free radicals in the body which means more cell and body damage. Supplements need to supply the body with compounds that will help it fight against damage and diseases caused by the damage.
- Crash dieters, vegetarians, people allergic to particular foods
Vitamins and minerals can be taken in supplements but research proves that the vitamins from food are better than those in pills. Even though these pills are synthesized and processed to the exact chemical composition that gives the same effect as the natural-taken vitamins, they don’t have the same effect.
It is commonly believed that taking dosages of vitamin and mineral pills can reduce risk to diseases. For instance, they say that vitamin C cures common diseases and vitamin E is beneficial to antioxidants that helps cure heart diseases. Neither of these claims was proven. In fact, some research evidence shows that taking mega-dosages of pills and supplements is harmful to the health.
But for instances when you think taking vitamin and mineral pills are needed, these are some important questions to consider before getting anything inside your system:
- “Do I need this?”
Healthy food diet cannot be replaced by taking supplements. If you are already having the recommended food nutrient, then you might not get any benefit from taking supplements. In some cases, supplements and fortified food may lead to excessive vitamin and mineral intake which can be harmful to the body.
- “Should I talk to my doctor about taking vitamin/mineral supplements?”
Definitely. Your doctor is the one who knows the right kind of nutrient for you. Consider that supplements aren’t simply beneficial. They carry side effects which you should importantly be aware of. You cannot just take a pill and get shocked of its side effects. It’s always best to be sure.
In short, before taking any Vitamin and Nutrient supplement, make sure that it is necessary and safe. Do that by asking the say of health care professionals as they are the one who knows best regarding this.
But again, no supplement can replace a healthy diet and lifestyle. It has always been best to go natural. But if you need to, don’t forget to consider the points. Your body is sensitive and reactive. Don’t forget to be careful always put safety on top.
Author Bio: Ashley Sotelo is mainly a teacher, an English teacher to be exact, as well as a writer. She has also worked as a news writer and a radio broadcaster in her locality. She considers herself a logophile—a lover of words, and greatly enjoys writing about virtually anything and everything under the sun as a hobby. At present, she resides off the Western shores and is working on a short film as well as her debut book, both of which will be released soon. She’s currently writing for BRI Nutrition whose sole purpose is to provide safe and natural supplements.

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