The death of a parent is certainly one of the biggest stresses in life. No one can ever really get over the loss of a loved one, and while some people manage to cope with the pain and eventually move on, others unfortunately experience depression and are not able to move forward. If you’re not sure whether you or your family member may be depressed, check for the following signs of this unfortunate condition.
Sadness, irritability, and anger are the most common emotions depressed people exhibit. When we lose a loved one, it’s perfectly natural to feel all of these feelings, but only for a certain amount of time. Once the overwhelming feelings of irritability and sadness become a part of everyday life, and stuck with you for more than two weeks, this is a sign that you need to seek professional guidance. It takes a different amount of time for everyone to grieve, but if you feel like you can’t live the life you once did, it’s a sign of severe depression, and the help of a doctor is required.
Sleeping and Eating Disorders
Sleeping disorders are often an occurrence for people who have suffered the loss of a loved one. They will have trouble falling asleep and if they do doze off, they’ll wake up numerous times during the night. Consequently, they’ll be exhausted the next day and won’t be able to function properly. On the other hand, some people will find comfort in too much sleeping, so they may not want to get out of the bed and spend days sleeping in. Allegedly, this is a better alternative than dealing with the painful reality.
Furthermore, overeating is another symptom of depression. Comfort food is one of the most common “cures” for a bleeding heart, so numerous people turn to eating too many sweets, junk food, or generally eating large portions of food. This results in weight gain, which can further cause serious health problems, such as obesity, high cholesterol, and blood pressure. On the other hand, many people refuse to eat anything because they have lost their appetite, and that can also lead to further health issues. If you notice you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or someone close to you is acting this way, seek professional help immediately.
Alcohol problems
Getting drunk is one of the most common activities sad people turn to. Indulging in alcoholic beverages makes people see the world around them in a different light, considering alcohol affects brain functions. Therefore, people who have lost a parent start drinking more often than usually and consequently become alcoholics. It is fine to indulge in alcohol from time to time, but only in moderation. Going to extremes and being hung over every morning will develop other serious issues that nobody needs in life.
How to Deal with the Loss
Death is inevitable and almost every person in the world has to deal with the loss of a parent at some point in life. Therefore, if your parent is sick and knows they don’t have much time left, you should be there every time they are preparing for the final goodbye. Once a parent decides to write a will, help them, call Familywills, and arrange everything. This will have you better prepared for what’s about to come. Furthermore, turn to your friends or family for anything you need. Whether it is a piece of advice, or a favor, they will always be there for you. Socializing will prevent you from slipping into depression and really help you take your mind off the sad situation.
No matter how difficult it is for you to handle the pain, remember it will eventually ease. Life does go on, and you will only get out of this period stronger. We are more resilient than we think, and we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.
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