Due to the nature of the bathroom and its constant humidity, this room presents a perfect place for bacteria growth, which, if not dealt with properly, can actually cause harm to people’s health. Of course, keeping your bathroom clean is the most important thing one must do on regular basis but following proper hygiene rules is also essential.
There are four most usual types of bacteria that can be found in bathrooms, which are E-coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Streptococcus. All of these bacteria come from the gut and feces. They can be ingested and introduced to one’s organism in many different ways but one of the most common ways for an infection to spread is by leaving the toilet seat open, neglecting the proper cleaning of the bathroom and forgetting to wash your hands after using the toilet.
According to scientists at Lancaster University bathroom showers may spread harmful bacteria which could trigger Crohn’s disease. The bacteria – mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis – causes Johne’s disease in animals and is directly associated with Crohn’s disease in humans.
While most of these infections are not very dangerous and they can pass quickly, they can still cause some more serious health problems and it would be better not to risk contamination when it is easily preventable with proper bathroom upkeep, sanitation and personal hygiene.
Clean the bathroom regularly
You don’t have to thoroughly clean the bathroom every day but once or twice a week is recommended. Use bleach cleaning solutions which you can buy or make your own and always wipe every surface carefully. Be sure to remove any dirt and mold. Also, if you usually spill a lot of water around while showering or taking a bath, make sure to wipe the floors and check all corners in order to avoid mold, mildew and water damage. Shower curtains are another source of bacteria and they often touch the body during the shower. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to your curtains as well and clean them together with the rest of the bathroom.
Never reuse sponges
Reusing the sponges or cleaning cloths too many times might seem budget-friendly but it can cost you your health. Sponges and cloths that were used for cleaning too many times and often left damp after use are an enormous source of bacteria. Not only can these contaminate your bathroom but they also pose an immediate danger to you if you use your bare hands to clean up. It is always better to stock up on some of the cheap and disposable sponges and cloths, so that you can change them regularly and prevent the spread of bacteria.
Proper maintenance
If you happen to experience some more complicated troubles in the bathroom with the faucets or drains, make sure to find proper solution. There are professional services that deal with this kind of domestic issues and it’s always better to leave the complex work of plumbing and blocked drains to people who know what they’re doing. Trying to solve these problems on your own can only make the situation worse if you’re not knowledgeable enough. This can cause additional build-up of bacteria, especially if your toilet or floor drain are blocked.
Be responsible with your own hygiene
You might shower and wash your hair every day, but do you remember to wash your hands after every single visit to the bathroom? No matter your reason, you should always wash your hands after you’re done with the bathroom. Even if you just happen to touch something you might get some of the bacteria on you, which can later on enter your system through skin, mouth and even eyes. Washing your hands is the first, most important step in keeping your good health and avoiding bacterial infections. Also, experts are advising that water be run for a short period before getting in to wash away the a pathogen.
Living responsibly means taking good care of your home and body. Therefore, make a chore plan if it will help you with regular bathroom cleaning and, among other things, pay a great deal of attention to keeping your hands clean.
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