Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery often intrigues many and people wonder if they would come out of the surgery room with THE optimal weight. This is not the case. Bariatric surgery is a collective term referring to procedures performed to make changes to the digestive system, either singularly or combined, primarily the stomach and intestines, resulting in minimal food intake and nutrient absorption resulting in gradual but massive weight loss.
Weight loss or bariatric surgery is many a times also confused with Cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction (and its distant cousins aka smart lipo/liposculpt/laserlipo), abdominoplasty which is largely body contouring cosmetic surgery. Both of them aim to improve the contours of the body and not lose weight, which happens as a secondary effect.
“Is it right for me?”
This isn’t the regular, “lunchtime slimming” procedure that one can walk in and opt for. This surgery is undertaken in specific cases as a last resort in individuals with
a) Morbid obesity or BMI > 40 or with BMI> 35 with comrorbid conditions.
b) Those who despite life style modification, psychotherapy, and drug treatments are unable to improve to lose weight and suffering from co-morbidities such as type ll diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver, Ischemic heart disease, sleep apnea, joint pains etc.
c) An ideal candidate for bariatric surgery also needs to me psychologically and emotionally stable to understand the outcome- both long and short term, the lifestyle changes one needs to implement and the risks involved.
Types of Bariatric surgeries:
- Adjustable Gastric Band (AGB): Reduces the effective size of the stomach thus functioning as a “guard” to the amount of food entering the stomach.
- Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB): As the name suggests, most of the food ‘bypasses or skips’ the stomach. A small pouch of the entire stomach is used; hence the appetite is drastically reduced. It also affects the absorption of food since most of the food ingested no longer contacts the stomach or the small intestine.
- Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG): Just a vertical part, or sleeve is retained and rest of the stomach is removed. Not only does it cut down the food, it also reduces Gherlin production, the appetite firing hormone.
Duodenal switch aka Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch (BPD-DS)- A complex procedure with three pronged approach, i.e reduce food intake, food absorption and food digestion by the liver enzymes.
Risks Involved:
Although, weight loss surgery in india works on the principle “restrict the size- reduce the appetite-limit the absorption-shed the kilos”, it is a rather advanced and complex surgery carrying its fair share of risks.
The major risk like in any surgical procedure is infection and bleeding.
The most common, long term and reversible side effect is nutritional deficiencies arising due to disruption in natural absorptive pathway of the alimentary canal.
Reaching your ideal Weight
Obesity, is not only the largest epidemic spanning continents all at once, it also is the root cause of a myriad metabolic diseases and high risk conditions. Therefore, nipping it in the bud improves the health and general well being of an individual. Concurrently the co morbidities also take a hit and thus contribute longevity and quality of life
Invariably, in most cases, post-surgical results are constant, predictable and free of complications. Augmented by a regular follow up, and life style changes for maintenance and incorporating vitamin and mineral intake to counter potential nutritional deficiency more often than not spell success for the procedure.
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IndiCure is a pioneer of medical tourism, helping international patients plan and avail their medical treatment in India. Choosing to associate only with the best surgeons, hospitals and hospitality partners, our relentless effort is to provide safe and affordable healthcare tourism for patients seeking surgery abroad. Follow us on Facebook

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