Coconut Oil
Why you should include coconut oil in your diet.
Saturated fats including coconut oil were once thought of as unhealthy and were avoided in our diet. However fat is an important part of any balanced diet and can have some really great health benefits. However what type of fat you are eating is really important. Refined vegetable oils like soybean and canola oil have a really different effect on your body than fats from fish such as herrings and salmon, or avocados, and nuts.
Today I want to talk about coconut oil which is actually a heart healthy food that can help your body in so many ways. It’s a staple in our household as it can be used in so many ways to have a range of benefits.
- Lose Weight
Yep, that’s right. Oil of Coconut can actually help you lose weight. Coconuts have fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) which actually help with your bodies efficient burning of energy as your liver breaks them down.
A 2009 study showed the people that consumed this oil actually lowered their amount of abdominal fat. Another study found that adding 15-30g of MCTs to their diet per day, participants improved 24 hour energy expenditure by 5% which is actually around 120 calories per day. Oil of Coconut can also reduce appetite and help your meal keep you full for longer. It also helps people regulate their blood sugar. This helps you to avoid blood sugar high and common afternoon crashes.
Finding it hard to add it to your diet? Add a teaspoon in your shake or smoothie in the morning, or for cooking.
- Improve Immune System & Metabolism
Some of the healthiest people in the world live on pacific islands and consume massive amounts of coconut. Studies have shown that this oil can help your bodies immune system fight both viruses and bacteria as well as yeasts, fungus & candida.
It can also help to boost your body’s thyroid function and metabolism. This also helps to increase your energy levels and endurance so add some oil to some homemade protein bars or granola bars for lasting energy and increased satiety. Coconut oil can also help improve your digestion.
- Better Skin Health
Want to know the latest beauty product craze? This superfood can be used on the inside and out to improve your skin. Even damaged skin or skin with stretch marks. The antioxidant properties of coconut oil can actually help with reducing the signs of skin ageing and is an awesome moisturizer for the skin & hair. It also includes high levels of vitamin E and can be applied directly to the skin as you would your usual body lotion. Make sure you look for an organic extra virgin oil however so you are not adding an additional pesticides or chemicals to your skin. The oil of Coconut can also be used on your hair and has been shown to prevent hair damage.
Have you used coconut oil either in your diet or as a beauty product? We would love to hear about your experiences in the comments below.

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