They’re not called superfoods for nothing. Superfoods are full of vitamins and minerals. They can help prevent illnesses and diseases so we can live a longer, happier, and healthier lives. Aside from prevention, one other benefit that you can get from eating superfoods is having healthy skin.
Here are the different superfoods that you can eat to keep your skin in shape.
Blueberries are a great source of fiber and Vitamins A and C. This superfood is known to be good for your skin because it helps in normalizing the skin’s oil levels so sebum does not accumulate and can help prevent pimples. It also has antioxidants and phytochemicals that fight off the free radicals, making your skin feel younger and softer. Blueberries can be eaten fresh, dried, frozen, or you can cook them with other foods.
Avocados are super healthy and a great tasting superfood. Whether you eat them or use them as an ingredient in creating a facial mask, this superfood can do wonders. It has antioxidants that can protect the skin from wrinkles and other signs of aging. Avocados contain plenty of vitamin C which is needed in producing elastin and collagen to keep the skin firm and supple. It also has vitamin E that helps reduce the effects of sun exposure to your skin.
Dark Chocolate
This may seem hard to believe but good quality dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (80% or more) is a good source of antioxidants. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that can protect your skin from the harmful effects of the UV rays. Aside from that, dark chocolate reduces the level of stress hormones and therefore skin breakouts can be prevented.
This green leafy vegetable is packed with nutrients that your body needs to maintain your skin health. Spinach is high in vitamin A and C that aids in skin repair so your skin remains soft and beautiful. Spinach is a delicious food which can be added into your favorite salad or add it into your superfoods smoothie.
The thing that gives tomatoes their superfood name is the presence of lycopene. Lycopene is a type of carotenoid that gives tomatoes their vibrant color and they act as antioxidants. They help reduce inflammation and your skin will less likely get damaged from the constant exposure to the sun and other environmental pollutants. Increasing your intake of lycopene can result in smoother skin.
Kiwi is one fruit that has a positive effect on your skin’s health. It is a great source of vitamin C that can keep your skin vibrant and young. Another vitamin present in Kiwi is vitamin E. It helps your skin fight off the formation of free radicals which can be harmful to your skin as it speeds up the aging process.
Oysters are mollusks, delicious and at the same time nutritious. They are not just aphrodisiacs. They bring about several health benefits and includes having healthy skin. One mineral that you can get from oysters is Zinc, which plays a major role in skin repair and the production of collagen.

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