Diet during the Summer
Summer is the perfect time to clean up our diet and eat healthy. In winter, we need the extra food to keep ourselves warm, but now that the hot days are coming, we need a change in our meal plan. Here are a few tips to help you eat better and enjoy your summer months more.
Eat fresh
The best thing about summer is that there is fresh produce all around, so you’ll have plenty of delicious things to choose from. And since it’s all in season, it’s a lot more affordable. There are no shipping costs, and no loss of nutritional value. Enjoy fruit like tart cherries which contain anthocyanin that helps boost fat burning, and watermelon which is about 90% water, so it’ll keep you well hydrated. Tomatoes and corn are good too, with tomatoes containing a type of carotenoid called lycopene which helps protect you against the sun. Of course, this is no excuse to avoid using sunscreen, because your skin will need all the protection it can get. Peaches, apricots, plums, berries, mangos and figs are all delicious summer fruits that you can indulge in without feeling guilty, because they’re all incredibly healthy. Fruit is an excellent snack, better than chocolate, and just as sweet.
Try a recipe for a delicious summer smoothie that will keep you feeling full, and bring many health benefits:
mix 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1/2 cup of sliced mango, 1 cup of almond milk, 2 scoops of protein powder and a tablespoon of chia seeds. Blend until smooth and you’re done. This is a good post-work out snack that’s full of vitamins and antioxidants.
Keep your health in mind
While it’s great to take a break from work, we can never take a break from our own health. Lazy vacations on the beach are relaxing, but sometimes important things slip our minds. In order to ensure we have all we need, we must keep our diet varied. To fight any deficiencies, we can also take supplements such as omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D. With high SPF sunscreen that we slather on our skin and the high temperatures that make us stay indoors all the time, we’re at a risk of not getting enough of this essential vitamin. Find a good discount chemist and see if they have a multivitamin complex that suits you. Depending on our age, gender and the state of our health, we all have different needs, so get something appropriate.
Another thing to keep in mind is hydration. In summer, our need for water intake increases, so make sure to drink plenty of it, especially if you work out.
Keep it light
There’s nothing like summer to make us all feel happy and excited. All the colourful, tasty food is fresh and there’s no reason for us not to stick to that rather than greasy snacks and candy. Enjoy your summer by having a healthy, filling diet, drinking plenty of water, and doing fun workouts that will help keep you in shape.

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