A lot of people believe that in order to look better all you need to do is eat less and move more. Unfortunately, this is not only completely inaccurate, but in some situations quite harmful as well. First of all, regardless how desperately you want to look better, this desire should never be placed before your health. Needless to say, spending more calories than you can intake is not a good idea in the long run. In fact, a regimen like this can leave you burned out, increase the risk of injury, and even slow down weight loss goals. Here are some reasons why eating less and moving more is not something that you should try.
Crash Diets Can’t Be Good
For starters, what a lot of people lack is enough patience and will to change their body the right way. The only proper way to do this is through years of training and carefully managed diets. However, in their arrogance, they believe that what some people need years to achieve, they could do in just a couple of months. This is the sole reason for the incredible popularity of crash diets. Even if you could lose a lot of weight this way, it would cause such a shock to your body that it would become temporarily damaged. Your immune system would weaken, exposing you to illnesses which you could easily fight off otherwise.
Starving Makes You Lose Less Weight
The logic that some people adopt when it comes to losing weight is that if slightly reducing your meals is good for weight loss, reducing them a lot is even better. Needless to say, this is as faulty as it gets. By eating just enough to survive (which is surprisingly what some people actually do), you will enter the state of starvation. In this situation, your body will try to cling to every single calorie (which is the only physiologically logical step). Unfortunately, this will make you reach a weight loss plateau sooner and set you back in your weight losing endeavors.
Pushing it Too Far
We have already mentioned that by eating little and exercising a lot, you will suddenly stop (or slow down) losing weight. However, once this happens, the first reaction of a lot of people is not to start eating more. In fact, if so far they have ingested 1200 calories a day (which is already ridiculously low for an adult male) they just might go down to 1000 as a next step. Also, they will probably increase either the intensity or the frequency of their trainings, which will only make the situation worse.
Consulting an Expert
Finally, one of the greatest mistakes people make is believing that there is a universal recipe for healthy living and losing weight that they could follow. Your age, gender, body structure and profession, as well as many more factors are something you simply must consider. Sure, there are great online calculators of optimal calorie intake for losing, gaining and maintaining weight, but your safest choice is always to contact a medical expert. In some cases, this would mean going to a hospital and getting an appointment which is why a lot of people avoid it in the first place. On the other hand, it is 2016, and you can easily schedule an online doctor consultation over such matters.
All in all, the math is quite simple. If the nature of your job or your exercise routine are physically strenuous, you need to eat a lot to keep it up. On the other hand, if you lead a sedentary life, you should reduce your portions, although introducing a simple 20-minute exercise or two a day should be a most definite must. Needless to say, this is the only logical move you can make in order to induce a positive outcome. Last but not the least importantly, never avoid asking for help from a professional.

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