The weight loss industry is enormous and complex. There are lots of myths that are in circulation concerning weight loss. These weight loss myths are so permeant and almost seem to have spread everywhere, and they hinder most people’s attempts to lose weight since most people are not aware of the tactics and the programs that provide optimum results.
You have to eat breakfast to lose weight, and you should never skip it
Most scientific findings have proven that breakfast is not the most crucial meal of the day. Forcing yourself to have a meal when you are not necessarily hungry can result in negative impacts on weight loss. If eating breakfast works well for you, I would recommend that you continue doing so. However, if you cannot eat things in the morning, it is clear that delaying or skipping breakfast cannot be an obstacle to your weight loss objectives.
You have to eat less to lose weight
The goal for weight loss is to make a calorie shortfall which means you must consume fewer calories than what your body burns. When we cut calories intake, our bodies adjust to using less energy and your weight remains constant. A sudden change in intake of calories will only send your body more to preservation mode and this only works on improving your body natural fat burning abilities rather than promoting weight loss.
Superfoods can aid in weight loss
Superfoods are foods that known for their nutrients density and their potential health benefits. For example, if you are taking superfoods such as Turmeric and Garcinia Cambogia, you can look forward to moderate appetite and a faster metabolism, however incorporating some of these superfoods in your meal won’t change your life. This can be accomplished by altering your diet, both the quantity and quality of food consumed. Not all superfoods will guarantee you positive impacts on your weight loss.
Egg whites are a perfect protein and an ideal diet food
Egg whites are flavorless, uninteresting and lack the most powerful nutrients which are present in the whole egg. The yolk is the most nutritive part of the egg despite its high fat and cholesterol contents. This additional fats and calories in egg yolks are beneficial to the body because they keep you fuller hence providing a sense of satiety that egg whites only cannot. Egg yolks should be eaten in moderation
High-protein Diets are ideal for weight loss
Despite proteins being the primary building blocks for new muscles and tissues development, eating excess proteins will result in some being stored as excess fats. Scientific research has proven that consumption of 20% to 25% calories from proteins is good for weight loss which helps in preserving a lean body mass. Establishment of a balanced eating plan is the ideal way which can result in positive impacts on your weight loss plan.
If you cut 3500 calories, you are guaranteed to lose one pound
Scientific research has found out that this rule grossly overestimates predicted weight loss and oversimplifies the science behind weight loss. The calorie rule doesn’t take into consideration the duration under which the calorie deficit happens and what occurs when the rate of metabolism is varied. This does not mean that targeting a 3,500-calorie shortfall will not help you to lose weight. However, what you don’t expect is an ideal correlation between each 3,500 calories and the number of the pound lost.
Eating more small sized meals per day is perfect for weight loss
The most effective weight loss plan is eating to meet your energy requirement while exercising on a regular basis. It is believed that consumption of five to six small sized meals is better than eating three larger ones, but this is not the guideline that will help you reach your weight loss goals. You don’t have to eat starve or eat constantly for you to get fit, you should get the right eating strategy and the ideal supplements which can help you to reach your weight loss goals.
If you have any comment regaring these weight loss myths or have more, please share it in the comment section below.
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