BMI is a measure of a person’s leanness or corpulence based on their height and weight, and is intended to quantify tissue mass. You get your BMI by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. BMI can tell you if you are of normal weight, underweight, overweight, or obese. It also can show if a person is at risk of future health problems. So, how to lower BMI?
Why do you need a healthy BMI?
A healthy BMI ranges from 18.5 to 24.9. If your BMI is in that range, you are less likely to get heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. But, if your BMI is very high, you may suffer from health problems later in life, if not sooner. You also may suffer from pain in your joints, insomnia, and mental health problems. Knowing and keeping your BMI healthy may make you a lot happier and healthier. Some people get much motivation if they know the health risks and do what they can to get that healthy weight.
High BMI risks
A high BMI can increase the risk of heart disease or stroke. This is because high BMI can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or other problems with the arteries. So, these can increase the risk of heart attacks or strokes. A high BMI can also increase the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. It can also damage a person’s nerves, kidneys, and eyes or can cause cancer.
A healthy diet to lower your BMI
Eating right is all you need to lower your BMI. This means eating fewer calories while getting enough vitamins and minerals from your diet. Your diet should include:
- Nutrient dense food , such as fruits and veggies, that bring vitamins, minerals, and fiber to your daily ration.
- Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa oats over white rice, bread for fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
- Lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, beans, and low-fat dairy, to keep you full and ready for building muscles.
- Healthy fats from food sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil.
- A lot of water to keep you healthy and to help you lose weight.
It goes without saying, you should avoid sugar and processed foods that make you gain. Also, watch portions. Eating too much of even healthy food can cause weight gain. Small plates help in this direction. Finally, do not ignore the cues your body gives you to stop eating when you’re full.
Exercise is important
If you wish to lose weight and stay healthy, exercise is one of the steps that you have to do. There are several types that you can try:
- Cardio: You may walk, run, bike, or swim and burn off calories while you have fun and become healthier
- Strength training: If you wish to burn more, you may try strength training. Do basic exercises like pushups or lift some weights. Here are 5 tips to build your muscular endurance.
- HIIT: short and intense circuit training may help you lose fat and get in better shape faster.
It is so easy to imagine that you will never be able to keep on your diet and give up the second you start. Nevertheless, this cannot happen if you are willing to follow some basic tips:
- Make reachable goals and lower targets; you will be very happy and proud of yourself when you achieve them.
- Be sure that every small victory is a victory anyway.
- Find a workout that you really like – it is always easier to keep doing what you love.
- Ask your friends to support you.
- Things will unavoidably go wrong sometimes. Keep on even if you don’t manage to do everything perfectly.
- Sleep and rest well.
If you try your best, you will obviously manage to lower your BMI and change your life.
How to Lower BMI Female vs. Male
The principles of lowering Body Mass Index for both females and males are basically similar. However, some specifics are to be considered since some physiological, hormonal, and metabolic differences may present. For best results, it is best to consult a professional for a tailored plan specific to your body.
- Dietitian or a nutritionist. They will help you eat what you need, thus losing weight. Such a specialist will plan how you eat, and what you eat.
- They will determine whether there is something else to your obesity or whether the plan you follow is the wrong one.
- Fitness expert or simply a trainer. Exercises will be much easier to do if you know how to do them.
- Therapist or a psychologist. Not only does your body suffer since you start losing weight, but your mind suffers as well. You may encounter a lot of problems, and you will need a therapist’s support to solve them.
If you want to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes or other illnesses, achieving a healthy BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 would help. This is a realistic goal as long as you eat properly balanced low-calorie diet and work out on a regular basis doing cardio along with strength exercises. When it comes to customized advice, both men and women require a professional to prepare a targeted plan based on their physical conditions and dietary habits.
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