Running to lose weight is very popular across the world. In fact, it is probably the first thing that comes to mind if you want to shed the extra pounds. Although there are very many people who are interested in learning how to run to lose weight, very few of them realize that running can do much more that to help them keep in shape. Indeed, the health benefit of running can fill a book, maybe two.
Running is a simple exercise that you can do alone or with your friends. You can choose to it either in the outdoor or indoors, virtually any time of the day. One of the reasons why running is one of the best ways to lose weight is that it helps in burning up the calories, which are responsible for adding weight in our body.
When we run, our body generates much heat, and we eventually start to sweat. Sweating is crucial as it helps our body to get rid of the toxins in out body. Additionally, most people do not take in the recommended water every day. Running forces us to take in more water. Taking enough water daily is imperative especially when you are trying to lose weight.
How to start running to lose weight
Besides helping you to shed the extra pounds, this exercise will get you away from your couch and get you in the open to enjoy the environment. Another great advantage of rubbing to lose weight is that you do not need to be a member of an expensive gym as you can run on the outdoor.
As long you have a good pair of running sneakers, you are ready to go. To help you in your endeavour, we would like to give you some tips to keep you safe when you venture out on the road and start running to lose weight.
#1 Shoes
Our legs are very delicate, and it is imperative to wear shoes that are specifically designed for running. It is also important to replace the shoes after every 450 to 500 miles. This will ensure that your feet are in the best condition.
When selecting the best running shoes, it is important to get lightweight and right fit. If you have very delicate feet, you can consider purchasing shoes that can fit Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis for added support and keeping your legs from the risk of Plantar fasciitis, a condition that affects many runners.
#2 Choose A Time Of The Day That You Are Comfortable With
Some people prefer running early in the morning, while others late evening. However, this does not mean that you cannot run in the afternoon. If this is the time you are usually free, you can utilize it.
The most important thing here is to have a schedule that you can stick to it. To start with, you will need at least 45 minutes. This time should accommodate warming up, running and cooling down.
#3 Start small
To build up fitness or prepare your body for the task, you will need to start with a warm up. Ten minutes of walking and stretching will be enough. From here, you can start running for about two minutes followed by a five minutes’ walk.
You can repeat this at least three times in each session. As time goes by you can increase the running time gradually. Do not forget the walking in-between. This is an excellent way to cool down.
#4 Use a stopwatch
It is essential to use a stopwatch to time your run, as it is very easy to cut your run short. When you use a stopwatch, it will assist you in keeping your goals and develop fitness.
#5 Take a friend and enjoy the scenery
When you take your friends with you, you are likely to be motivated. You can also encourage each other and work together towards achieving your goals. When running on the outdoors, you can also focus on other aspects besides just running to lose weight. You can also clear your mind and enjoy the scenery.
In conclusion, it is a good idea to make running as fun as possible so that you are motivated to do the exercise regularly. Taking supplements for runners will also help you to have stronger muscles thus more endurance. Even if you do not complete a marathon, making running a hobby as well as a lifestyle will result in a slimmer as well as a healthier you!
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Here at Selfweightloss, we show you how to lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle with tips and articles on Weight Loss, Fitness, Diet, Nutrition and Food, updated daily by our community of authors and editors.