Time To Start Preparing For Your New Year’s Resolution
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez] Gregory L Gomez
As the year rapidly comes to an end, this is the perfect time to start thinking about a potential New Year’s resolution you can make for yourself. Before you scoff at the idea of this popular yet often half-hearted promise to oneself, let’s look at the positives as to why making a resolution can help you accomplish an important goal you may have.
The main reason why the majority of resolutions made at New Years never come to fruition is because most are not backed up with a specific plan of attack. Just stating you are going to accomplish a goal is one thing, actually accomplishing this feat is an entirely different can of worms and this is where most people get stuck.
In order to better your chances of being successful with this New Year’s resolution, list the specific steps you’ll need to take to come out on top. Whether your resolution is to quit smoking, clean the house, learn how to play tennis, or lose weight, with all of these goals there are certain steps that need to be taken in order to accomplish the task.
Let’s take the “clean the house” resolution as an example. To clean an entire house, there will be many rooms involved. Aside from the two main common areas of the kitchen and the living room, you may have a den, hallways, storage spaces/closets, bathrooms and bedrooms, and possibly a garage or attic/basement.
Do you seen how many components comprise this one goal of cleaning the house? There are many nooks and crannies that must be attended to if you truly want to accomplish the resolution of cleaning the house. This is why it’s vitally important you create a specific plan detailing what you will need to do to help keep you focused on track.
Once you create a plan of what needs to be done to succeed with your New Year’s resolution, you also need to decide how and when you are going to implement this into your daily/weekly life. For the cleaning the house resolution, maybe you will spend Wednesday night from 8-10pm cleaning and on Sunday morning from 8-11am. These are the times you will commit to your plan until it’s accomplished.
However this may not be possible with all resolutions and here’s why.
With a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, you won’t have the luxury of only eating healthy on Wednesday night and Sunday morning like with cleaning the house. This will definitely not help you reach your goal and you will likely fail in your weight loss efforts.
The resolution to lose weight will take much more of a daily effort to both stick with healthy nutrition in appropriate portion sizes, along with getting some type of exercise on a regular basis.
This undertaking is much more complex and hands-on especially since there are often 4-7 moments each and every day when we are confronted with an opportunity to eat and drink. Any one of these moments presents the potential to overeat which essentially translates to weight gain.
Therefore, if your resolution this upcoming year is to lose weight and you are truly determined to be successful this time, the plan you develop and how well you stick with it will be the deciding factors if you do drop the excess weight.
In all honesty, the toughest part of this entire process will likely be maintaining healthy eating habits. Ditching the fast food and preparing home cooked meals take conscious efforts and a willingness to try new things.
If you’re proactive in developing new healthy eating habits, controlling portion size, and get a consistent form of exercise, there’s no reason why you won’t be able to succeed with a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.
Gregory L. Gomez, a LAUSD teacher who’s also on journey to develop a healthy life in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a Healthy Eating eBook just for stopping by at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/healthy-eating.
Article Source: Time To Start Preparing For Your New Year’s Resolution

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