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147 Articles

What is the Right Dose of Exercise?

Dose of Exercise So do you know what is the right Dose…

Treating Injuries and Speeding up Recovery

Treating Injuries The worst part about sustaining an injury is that you…

A Guide to Buying the Right Gym Equipment

Taking care of your body is one of the worthiest goals to…

Best white wine home remedy for large pores and oily skin

You absolutely can still have wine for appetizers and pleasure but this…

8 Skin Brightening Regimens To Hide Your Alcohol Hangover

Alcohol Hangover Who doesn’t want an exciting weekend with family and friends…

How to Use Your Phone to Boost Your Health

Boost Your Health Can a phone help you boost your health? The…

11 Skincare Essentials for Women in Their 40’s

For skin to stay young, fresh and healthy, it is necessary we…

How Do I Lose My Weight for My Upcoming Wedding

Upcoming Wedding Do you need to lose weight for your upcoming wedding?…

Precautions to Take If You Want to Exercise Safely

In order to stay healthy and strong, you will have to look…