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143 Articles

Why you must eat one Avocado Every day for Immunity Boosting?

Immunity Boosting Are you afraid of gaining weight from regular consumption of…

Sweet Threats – 4 Ways How Sugar Makes Us Obese

Over the years, sugar has become an indispensable ingredient in American cuisine.…

How to Avoid Gym Injuries

Going to the gym is exciting but it can be a bit…

Superfoods for a Super You

What are Superfoods? Many dispute that particular foods have huge health benefits…

How Food Affects Your Mood

Mood Is it really possible, can food affect your mood? The simple…

Using Swimming as a Back Pain Remedy

If you experience lower back pain that annoys you or even prevents…

Ten Food Hacks to make your life instantly better

Food Hacks Food, by itself is already a marvelous creation sent by…

Coconut Oil Benefits

Coconut Oil Why you should include coconut oil in your diet.  Saturated…