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147 Articles

Tips on Post-Workout Nutrition

A lot of people are not content with the way they look…

How Running Helps You Stay in Shape

Want to stay in shape the natural way? To get an amazing…

Ways sex is making you a healthier person

Connection between sex and health, the amazing effects. So I casually walk…

How to stay healthy and fit after 50

Fit after 50 As years go by, you should only get more…

Types of bacteria found in bathrooms and how to fight them

Due to the nature of the bathroom and its constant humidity, this…

Do workouts have anything to do with skin problems?

The general rule is: if you want to stay healthy, you need…

How Does Your Workout Environment Influence Your Goals?

Have you ever thought whether your workout environment makes any impact on…

Recognize the Symptoms of Depression after the Loss of a Parent

The death of a parent is certainly one of the biggest stresses…

An Alkaline Diet and Women’s Health

Alkaline Diet The balance of alkaline and acid (measured by pH) is…