Benefits of Walking
Walking is the easiest and simplest way to stay healthy and reduce the chances of several health problems like; heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Many health conscious people prefer to walk rather than using any means of transportation or use stairs instead of using the lift.
Even some experts say that benefits of walking are more than exercise. A University of Tennessee study uncovered that women who walked had less body fat compared to those who didn’t walk.
Here are some major reasons why walking is good for you.
Weight Loss
Walking helps with keeping weight at bay when accompanied by good and good diet. Scientists also state that even without adjusting diet habits, losing weight is doable if you’re walking for at least 45 minutes daily. Walking enhances heart rate and burns up some calories which aid in keeping a healthy weight.
Shapes Your Body
A good walk makes your body strong and gives a definition to it including legs, arms, and belly and reduces weight. Research shows that resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs 6-10 pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood.
Reduces the Risk of Heart Attack
A recent research on walking and heart problems proved that the risk of developing heart disease decreases as a number of walking increases.
The Stroke Association claims that a brisk 30-minute walk daily helps to reduce and stop the high blood pressure that triggers strokes, cutting down the risk by approximately 27 percent.
Good for Your Brain
Walking is great for your brain to perform all of its functions. It boots your mind resulting in making you healthier and happier.
It has cognitive benefits, bettering memory in elderly people, mental control and academic performance in preadolescents, and boosting creativity in youngs.
Fights Against Diabetes
Walking is a great remedy for diabetic patients which improves blood sugar levels and eventually helps in keeping diabetes at bay and also reduces the risk of getting it. A regular walking habit cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes by around 60%.
Gives Longer Life
A recent study found that walking 2 miles a day reduces the chances of death in half. So, it is not false to say that walkers may live long.
Helps Prevent Dementia
Elderly people who walk 6 miles or more per week are very likely to prevent brain shrinkage and preserve memory as the years pass. Because dementia impacts one in 14 people over 60 and one in six over 80.
Boosts Immunity
Walking will help protect you during flu season. A study of around 1,000 men and women uncovered that people who walked at least 20 minutes daily, at least 5 days a week, had 43% less sick days than those who worked out once a week or less.
Reduces Cancer Risk
Walking can cut down your possibilities of developing some cancers. Research publicized in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention discovered that women who walked at least seven hours a week were 14 percent less likely to develop breast cancer.
Walking is an enjoyable exercise as well; you can exercise alone or with your friends to make it more exciting. Keep Walking!
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