You may have heard news and buzz about the semi miraculous plant called Hoodia Gordonii which suppose to help reduce your appetite.
Hoodia gordonii is plant that grows naturally in Botswana, South Africa and Namibia. It supposed to have therapeutic properties in folk medicine. This plant became internationally known after a marketing campaign falsely claimed that it was an appetite suppressant for weight loss.
But I did some online research about this exotic plant and will name the nine harsh facts I found about Hoodia Gordonii.
Fact #1
There are several species of Hoodia. Hoodia Gordonii in particular, is a rare plant that grows in South Africa.
Fact #2
Hoodia Gordonii is difficult to grow and only grows under certain climatic conditions that the South African region offers.
Fact #3
Hoodia Gordonii is on the Red List of endangered species—meaning—it may become extinct in the near future.
Fact #4
Only Hoodia Gordonii has the molecule that effectively suppresses one’s appetite.
Fact #5
Because of its scarcity, authentic Hoodia is expensive; so, if you see Hoodia in ads advertised for $20-30.00 per bottle, close your wallet and run!
Fact #6
The current supply of pure Hoodia is quickly diminishing; thus, it’s growing tougher to find 100% pure Hoodia any where.
Fact #7
Because of the rising demand for Hoodia and the fast depleting supply of the real stuff, many dishonest vendors are brazenly lying in their promotional ads and selling either fake or inferior Hoodia Gordonii under popular brand names. Be extremely careful which Hoodia product you consider ordering.
Fact #8
The FDA does not regulate the supply of real Hoodia which means that you can easily end up buying fake Hoodia at your local health store or online.
Fact #9
There exists an overabundance of counterfeit Hoodia in comparison to the 100% pure stuff available through a few honest vendors.
Before you place your first or next order, try to properly educate yourself about this amazing plant to make sure you are buying the good thing and for the good reason.
If you have ever tried this plant and want to share your finding with us, please write your comment in the comments box below.

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