A kettlebell is an exercising instrument that is shaped like a cannonball with a single handle attached on top. Kettlebells first originated in Russia but now they are widely used across the globe by fitness enthusiasts to tone their body. The structure of a kettlebell is conducive to permit the concerned fitness enthusiast to lift, push, swing and even throw this “exercise-weight” in order to work each and every muscle group present in the body. Owing to the strong hip-thrust required to use kettlebells, they are ideal for toning the butt region (also known as glutes or the buttocks).
The 4 Best Kettlebell Weight Exercises to Develop a Sexy Butt
If you frequent the gym on a regular basis, you must already be aware of the term “squat”. It is a form of exercise wherein you squat all the way down to the ground while maintaining a straight back and then push your body back to a standing position. Traditional squats make use of a barbell laden with weights but you may use a kettlebell as well. The advantage of using kettlebells is the extra pressure that your glutes are forced to experience while executing this exercise as compared to the traditional squatting method. This extra squeeze helps develop the shape of your butt.
The Goblet Squat Using A Kettlebell
Via: evolutionfit.it
How to Perform this Exercise
# Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the kettlebell with both hands.
# Clasp the kettlebell at the base of the handle (using both palms for this purpose) and pull it close to your chest area.
# Keeping both elbows below your shoulder and your chest straight, squat down, pushing your hips backwards and bending your knees. Make sure you inhale as you squat down.
# Stop the descent when your thigh is parallel to the ground and hold your body at that position (squeezing the glutes) for two seconds.
# Exhale and push your body back to the standing position. While doing so, ensure that you maintain a straight back and drive your heels to the ground to build the required momentum.
What Is The Best Time To Perform This Exercise?
It is ideal to maintain perfect form while performing goblet squats. The rep-range should be in between 12 to 15 reps and the rest period between each set should not exceed one minute. Hence, you should perform this exercise when you are beginning with your exercise routine. It is a great form of interval training and it can also be used as a suitable warm-up exercise.
The Rep-Range, Sets and Weight
>>> If you want to build muscle, perform 4 sets of 12 repetitions, taking a minute long rest between each set. Lift 80% of your maximum weight lifting capacity.
>>>If you wish to burn fat, perform 5 sets of 15 reps each, taking a 30 second rest period between each set. Lift 50% of your maximum weight lifting capacity.
>>> If you want to build strength, perform 5 sets of 6 reps, taking a 2 minute rest period between each set. Lift 90% of your maximum weight lifting capacity.
This is an ideal exercise to work your glute muscles, your lower back muscles, as well as your inner thigh muscles.
How To Perform This Exercise?
# Place your feet wider than your standard shoulder-width stance and place the kettlebell at the center-point of both your feet.
# Push your hips backwards and keeping a straight back, lean forwards to clasp the kettlebell by its handle. You have now reached your starting position.
# Stand upright by thrusting your hips forward and extending both your knees. While standing upright, keep your arms straight and inhale.
# Hold this position for two seconds, then exhale and bend your knees to push your hips back and place the kettlebell onto the floor.
What Is The Best Time To Perform This Exercise?
You can perform this exercise on your ‘thigh day’. This could be incorporated as a warm-up exercise or even as a mass building exercise (depending on your requirement).
The Rep-Range, Sets and Weight
>>> To build muscles, perform 4 sets, keeping the reps per set to 8. Take a 60-second rest period between each set and lift 75% of your maximum capacity.
>>> To burn body fat and tone your butt, perform 5 sets, keeping the reps per set to 15. Take a 45-second rest period between each set and lift 45% of your maximum capacity.
>>> To build strength, perform 3 sets, keeping the reps per set to 6. Take a two-minute rest period between each set and lift 90% of your maximum capacity.
The Targeted Muscles
Lower back, glutes, hamstrings and shoulders.
The Kettlebell Swings
This is a high intensity exercise that burns excess calories and develops your butt.
Via: menshealth.com
How To Perform This Exercise?
# Holding the kettlebell with both hands, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
# Push your glutes backwards by bending your knees slightly and then thrust your hip forward. While performing this action, position the kettlebell just below your knee area.
# Swing the kettlebell upwards till your shoulder height, maintaining a straight-arm posture. To achieve this posture, drive your hips forwards and slightly extend your legs.
# Lean forwards bending your knees and allow the kettlebell to descend. This action shall take you back to the starting position.
When To Perform This Exercise?
This is a great warm-up exercise before the actual workout.
The Rep-Range, Sets and Weight
>>> If your aim is to increase your muscle size, perform 5 sets of 12 repetitions each, maintaining a 45-second rest period between each set. You should ideally lift 60% of your total weight lifting capacity.
>>>If you want to burn fat, simply perform 6 sets of 15 repetitions each, maintaining a 30-second rest period between each set. You should ideally lift 40% of your total weight lifting capacity.
>>> To gain strength in your glutes, perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions each, maintaining a 3-minute rest period between each set. Lift 90% of your total weight lifting capacity.
This is yet another exercise that develops and tones your butt at warp speed. It is also an alternate movement of the traditional barbell thrust used by weightlifters to strengthen their glutes, lower back and thigh area.
How To Perform This Exercise?
# Keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, stand astride the kettlebell, which must be placed on the floor in between your feet.
# Bend your back to form an arch and pushing your chest out, lower your hips right below your shoulder line.
# Keeping your arms straight, stand up in an explosive fashion.
# Pull the kettlebell using your arms to dictate the desired momentum, stopping when the kettlebell reaches just below your chin area.
# Lower the weight towards the floor and repeat the entire process all over again.
When To Perform This Exercise?
It could be a part of your daily workout session.
The Rep-Range, Sets and Weight
>>> If you want to build muscle, perform 4 sets of 12 repetitions, taking a one-minute rest between each set. Lift 80% of your maximum weight lifting capacity.
>>>If you wish to burn fat, perform 5 sets of 15 reps each, taking a 30 second rest period between each set. Lift 50% of your maximum weight lifting capacity.
>>> If you want to build strength, perform 5 sets of 6 reps, taking a 2-minute rest period between each set. Lift 90% of your maximum weight lifting capacity.
The Targeted Muscles
The lower back and lower abdominal muscles, shoulders, glutes, hamstrings and hips.
The best kettlebell weight exercises are ideal for developing your butt in the most suitable manner. Kettlebells are undoubtedly a superior form of training your butt as compared to the traditional barbell and machine based exercises. This is because kettlebells allow you to perform compound body movements which in turn tones your body, strengthens your muscles, builds mass and burns fat.
Title Variation
Want a Sexy Butt? Try these Best Kettlebell Weight Exercises
Author Bio: Emily is founder of BodyShape101.com, a blog where she and her associates talk about
exercise, fitness, and yoga. Their aim is to help people like you to achieve perfect body. BodyShape101 is concentrated on exercise & fitness tips, and making the most out of it. She is also a mother of one and she tries to find balance between her passion and her biggest joy in life.
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We are a Content Marketing agency. If you are looking for exposure, build brand awareness, create engagement with your audience, get search engine ranking and/or create a buzz via blogging outreach and/or link building, we're your best partner! Find more here: https://www.outreachbee.com/about-us/