Bodybuilding is not only effective for building muscle mass. With a specific bodybuilding program, you can also lose fat dramatically. But be clear, it is not by doing isolation exercises, with long periods of rest, that you will burn enough fat and transform your body quickly. To lose fat through bodybuilding, you must forget your conventional workouts, like bodybuilding, to adopt what I call, metabolic weight training.
In addition to developing your musculature, metabolic weight training increases your metabolism up to 48 hours after your workout. After your metabolism training, you will burn fat sitting on your couch, watching your favorite series.
If you do not accompany your TV session, chips and fresh beers, you’ll be on the right track to eliminate your excess fat and redraw your muscles.
I structure my metabolic bodybuilding workouts usually in circuit form, with carefully selected exercises. The exercises should be performed with full intensity and little recovery time. The metabolic bodybuilding offers several advantages; the workouts are short, little material is needed and they are terribly effective at losing fat and redrawing muscles.
In this article I will give you 4 important tips, to make sure your metabolic weight training is effective.
If you apply these tips, your weight training will allow you to build muscle and especially activate a fat burner stove for at least 48 hours.
1- Your training should be composed of self-limiting exercises
Self-limiting exercises are exercises with which fatigue prevents you from finishing your series, without the technique being impacted.
When doing metabolic weight training, fatigue will quickly force you to focus primarily on your effort and much less on your technique.
You must choose exercises that you master, to ensure enough intensity and volume, while avoiding injuries. Depending on your level, the exercises used will be different.
For example, if you are a beginner, choose mainly body weight exercises.
By not using an extra load, you will be more comfortable and avoid injuries due to poor performance. If you have some experience, choose exercises that you know well and practice without having to concentrate on the technique.
It is not recommended to use advanced exercises such as squats or dead lifts with heavy loads. Because with the fatigue and a bad technique, on these exercises the wounds do not forgive. Feel free to reduce the weight moved to ensure a large amount of training, because remember that we are here mainly to burn fat.
With metabolic weight training, you will also be able to build muscle, but that’s not the main goal.
2- There must be sufficient work volume to activate the fat loss
Short work intervals, such as 5 to 10 seconds, are not very useful in activating the metabolism.
Unless you work very intensely and with very short rest intervals, as with Tabata.
You must, therefore, use a working frequency, which uses the lactic anaerobic energy system, but without reaching the aerobic system.
For that, you must find the perfect balance between high intensity and a high work volume.
This is how you will create a “metabolic debt,” which makes metabolic strength training so effective for fat loss.
You will deplete your glycogen stores and produce lactic acid associated with a greater rise in your growth hormone level.
To set up effective metabolic weight training, you need to think more about the total work done during your workout rather than the number of repetitions.
To calculate the work done during your training session, you must multiply the load by the distance of movement.
For example, by linking 5 squats, 5 pulls, 5 deadlifts, 5 dips and 5 rows, you will do a lot more work than with 25 pumps or 25 medicine balls, because the loading capacities and the distances of displacement are more important.
3- The intervals must be short enough to maintain good technique
and high intensity
With metabolic weight training, the goal is not to choose a low load and perform a hundred repetitions.
There is a risk that the technique will deteriorate, and the weight will be so low that we can no longer call it metabolic MUSCULATION.
In addition, your work period will surely last 2 or 3 minutes, which means that you will use mostly your aerobic energy and non-anaerobic energy.
You will not get your energy from your muscle glycogen stores and will not activate the after-burn effect that allows you to burn fat up to 48 hours after your workout.
Plan your work frequency with one-minute cycles, adjusted to your level.
For example, for beginners cycle 30 seconds of effort and 30 seconds of rest, for intermediate levels 45 seconds of effort and 15 seconds of rest and for advanced levels 50 seconds of effort and 10 seconds of rest.
With properly adjusted cycles, you make sure you work hard without compromising your technique, tapping into your energy reserves and having enough rest to aggressively and aggressively attack the series.
4- You must have the right equipment and enough space
These are very important factors and will influence the success of your metabolic weight training program.
As I explained to you previously, you can do metabolic weight training only with the weight of your body, but your results will be quickly limited.
By simply using dumbbells, suspension straps or elastic resistance bands, you will greatly expand your range of exercises.
You can then choose more effective exercises and with which you take the most pleasure.
You must also have enough space to perform your metabolic weight training and quick access to equipment.
If you have to wait 5 minutes to access the different equipment in your gym, to do the exercises in your program, it’s not even worth thinking about doing metabolic weight training.
It’s the same problem if you do not have enough space to move and circulate properly.
In both cases, you will have to find a more appropriate place.
The advantage is that by doing metabolic weight training with simple, lightweight equipment, such as suspension straps and elastic bands, you can train anywhere, as long as you have enough space.
Did you ever try the bodybuilder to lose fat? How it was?

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