Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese performing art that is performed to attain optimum strength, stability, flexibility and longevity. Being a traditional ancient Chinese art, Tai Chi is performed in different styles such as Chen style, Yang style, Wu style and Wu Yu-hsiang style.
Each style has its own benefits and a unique way to perform. Medically, Tai Chi is practiced to alleviate stress, depression and to achieve inner peace, better mood, improved aerobic capacity, boosted stamina, reduced inflammation, and improved brain health.
For stronger, flexible and amazingly stable muscles along with great body balance, Tai Chi is the best exercise to practice as a routine workout. In body building world, you have seen the majority of builders with giant and well-defined muscles, but with zero flexibility and mobility. It due to the fact that they never focus on flexibility exercises while training their muscles for strength and bulking.
Performing Tai Chi fitness exercises to build strength and flexibility helps you in weight training by improving your mobility. The integration of mind with the body is the true spirit of Tai Chi and is a necessary principle of building stronger and heavier muscles.
The True Spirit of Tai Chi
Tai Chi starts with intensive slow and easy to perform moves and becomes harder and harder with the flow and that’s the real spirit of Tai Chi. Moving your muscles to their peak range with low intensity in the beginning and with high intensity, in the end, is the what Tai Chi do with us.
Reasons to Try Tai Chi
Here are some benefits of Tai Chi;
Weight loss
Systematically progression and gradually increasing the intensity and speed is the how Tai Chi trains a person. When you engage in activities you like, your happiness increases that keep you on track for hours and you burn many calories. Learning new moves in Tai Chi develops self-confidence that keeps you practicing for as long as you want that helps you in burning lots of calories.
Physical Strength
The intense exercises in martial arts like Tai chi increase its practitioner’s strength and agility. Through intense and unique movements, a trainee strengthens his/her joints and muscles in quicker short time with an increased range of motion. Almost all defensive and attacking exercises are very intense which are similar to high-intensity interval training or resistance training that strengthens our muscles. The unique movements in Tai Chi exert intense stress on our muscles that help them in growing and strengthening.
Flexibility and Stability
Strength, flexibility, balance and pure focus is all that you need to become a martial artist. Through regular flexibility exercises in martial arts especially in WUSHU, you can develop great balance and flexibility. Working on movements such as full range of motion, holding difficult stances for certain period of time and moving your muscles in all possible directions increase your flexibility and balance.
Mental Health Effects
It all depends on you that what you gain or lose. Martial arts have wide-ranging effects on our mental and physical health from positive to negative. Tai Chi teaches us how to express your inner feelings on your face, as it develops better control of mind over the body.
The quick response or faster reaction is gained through proper regular training of Tai Chi. To overcome your fears helps you to face your routine stress and depression that we learn in Tai Chi through deep meditation and pure focus. According to several medical research based studies, exercises performed in Tai Chi have positive effects on mental health.
Self-confidence is the only spirit of Tai Chi needed to defend or to defeat your opponent. With self-confidence developed in Tai Chi, you can perform any difficult move or intense exercise with courage and ease. Learning new techniques and moves each day builds and strengthens your self-confidence that enables you to face someone bigger and stronger than you and in real life, you will face problems much better.
Have you ever tried Tai Chi? Share in the comments below.

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