Your gym is shut down and you must respect the recommendations of social distancing due to the outbreak of Coronavirus? Don’t worry, you can stay at home and get fitness!
There are so many exercises you can do from the comfort of your home. So, you can start training today: no gym or equipment required!
Please note, before you start your workout, you should always start with a 5-10 minutes warm-up to get your muscles active and your heart rate up. Remember, when you skip a warm-up and just go from 0 to 60, you’re setting your body up to be less efficient—and potentially end up with an injury.
To warm your body up, you can do some jumping jacks, kicks, squats-jump or you can jog in place.
Know that the best at-home workouts don’t necessarily require a lot of equipment—or any equipment. You can use your own bodyweight. By using your bodyweight, you can do exercises to work every muscle in your body, from your chest to your quads to your butt and to your core.
Let’s jump into some exercises and get fitness.
Push-up for your Chest
Squats for your Quads
The Bridge for your Butt
Plank for your Core
Please note, for any of these exercices, you don’t really need to do a certain number of repetitions. You know the limit of your body, so I suggest you respect it. If you can do several repetitions, go ahead and do it. If you can only do a few, that’s fine too. The important thing is to continue training and not to let the confinement of Coronavirus stop you.
I hope this article will help you keep fitness during the Coronavirus lock-down. If want to know what other exercices you can do from home, please visit our section Fitness.
If you have any tip or comment you would like to share, please feel free to use the comments box below.
Happy training!
About Author: Hi, I’m Ana Maria De La Cruz, a Content Marketing Specialist. I help businesses gain web exposure and build brand awareness. Our job is to write positively and to spread the word about client’s products/services, post the content in relevant blogs and share it across many social media networks.

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