Stay Healthy When Eating Out
Just about everyone is still working on burning off that holiday weight. With warm weather and bikini season just around the corner, it’s more important than ever to keep yourself on track and with your weight loss goals in mind. Eating out at restaurants is usually considered a big no-no with fitness foodies and health gurus, and fast food is just straight out of the question. However, it seems pretty unrealistic to say that you’ll never go to a restaurant again. Between holidays, family reunions, or celebrating a special moment, dining out at restaurants is inevitable. Thankfully, you can still make healthy choices at restaurants and continue sticking to your health goals.
Pick the Right Restaurant
If you’re eating out with a big group, try to have a say in where you’re going. The first guideline is to try and avoid fast food or drive-thru places at all costs. You don’t want to be stuck at a restaurant where your only options are cheeseburgers and French fries! Second of all, if you know any restaurants in your area, where you know you’ll have a few healthier menu choices, try to suggest one of those. There are also many restaurants that cater to alternative diets, such as vegetarian or vegan. Do a little online research to find a place every can enjoy.
Skip the Appetizer and Dessert
If you’re counting calories, you may be able to stay in your limit by finding a healthy dish to eat at a restaurant, but what you may not have accounted for is the appetizer and dessert. The best suggestion is to have a healthy snack before you go out to eat. This way, you won’t feel so hungry when you sit down at your table, and those enticing apps won’t pull you in. Try to avoid dessert at all costs. If you are dying for something sweet, reward yourself at home with a healthy treat.
Finding the Healthiest Menu Options
The first go-to healthy menu option might be a salad; and, if that suits you, then you should definitely go for the salad! Otherwise, look for lean proteins or interchangeable sides with low calories. Try to avoid beef, and choose a chicken or fish entrée, since these meats are leaner. Look to see if you can switch out your side of French fries for a steamed or grilled vegetable. You can almost always opt your side out for a side salad, as well.
Avoid Sugary Drinks
When you’re eating out, you may be counting your meal calories, but are you counting the calories from your drinks? Sugar is your worst enemy in almost any restaurant drink, as it’s prevalent in soda, beer and any cocktail with a mixer. Do your best to stick with water, but if you really want an adult beverage, sip on straight liquor or a glass of wine. These two options are your safest best to a low-sugar drink.
Try following these guidelines the next time you’re eating out, and you’re sure to have a fun time without ruining all of your hard weight loss work!

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