You may already know that tea is a healthy choice and is good for you but I’m here to tell you that that’s not true; it’s more than just good for you. Drinking tea is one of the best things you can do for your body and overall health and I’ll explain why.
Known as the second most popular beverage in the world tea has the power to prevent cancer, promote weight loss, support dental health, boost your metabolism, lower the risk of stroke and heart disease and so much more. The benefits alone can literally take up this entire post but you get the idea. Although tea alone will not give you the perfect health but combined with a few healthy foods it puts you right on track to a longer, healthier and better life.
Studies have shown that people who had 3-5 cups of tea daily were less prone to any type of illness/disease than those that didn’t drink any type of tea. Almost sounds too good to be true, right? But the vitamins and antioxidants that tea contains works wonders on your health and one of the main reasons that tea is so highly sought after is its weight loss supporting properties. Tea has the ability to speed up the metabolism which in turn increases the fat burning process. Toxins that are also harmful to your health and actually hinder the removal of fat are easily flushed out of your system with the aid of tea increasing weight loss further.
But with all that said you may want to know what teas to drink to take care of your weight loss problem? The different teas and herbs out there are definitely more than you think and they all provide greater benefits in some areas than other. To give you an idea of what tea works best for the different purposes here’s a brief summary:
Metabolism Boosting Teas
As the name suggest these teas have been found to be the best at boosting your metabolism rate for you to be burning calories like crazy.
- Green tea
- Oolong tea
- Pu-erh tea
- Black tea
- Ginseng tea
Stress Relieving Teas
One of the wonderful things about teas is its ability to ease your days and take away your worries by placing you in a calm and relaxed state. Stress relieving teas make it easy to sleep well at night and wake up feeling wonderful and at peace.
- Peppermint tea
- Rooibos tea
- Hibiscus tea
- Black tea
Appetite Suppressing Teas
What’s one of the main reasons people can’t achieve their health and weight loss goals? Cravings- this is what majority of people suffer from and teas that contain properties to suppress your appetite is one of the best solutions. These teas crush your cravings and make it easier to lose weight.
- Peppermint tea
- Ginseng tea
Weight Reducing Teas
Generally speaking all the teas mentioned in this section are weight reducing but these teas are specific to reduce bloating, inflammation and constipation which allows you to lose belly fat and make weight loss seem simple as 1, 2, 3.
- White tea
- Rooibos tea
- Rose tea
- Hibiscus tea
How to Implement Tea for Best Results
As I mentioned before tea alone will not give you perfect health but combined with a few other healthy choices the results you can experience is beyond what you can expect. By having a Tea Cleanse Plan you can see results of up to 10 pounds lost in only a couple of weeks with no struggle to make it through to the last days of the cleanse. The combination of the right tea at the right times is what will cause the change you’re looking for and have you feeling lighter, more energized, less stressed, healthier and better.
About Author:
Jessica Taylor is a personal trainer and health and fitness consultant with a passion to provide value by sharing her knowledge on health related subjects. Jessica has dedicated her life to helping individuals create a healthier and better life for them-selves. Expanding on her reach she has now made it simple for anyone to lose weight by publishing her new Tea Cleanse book so that anyone can experience the joy of a slimmer and healthier body.

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