Bad Weather
We’re now in full on “fall” mode but unfortunately, so is the weather. If you don’t take the initiative, the rain can quickly put a damper on your workout plans. These are a few tips and tricks to help you stick to fitness regimen in bad weather.
Stick To It
It might be the most simple piece of advice here, but it is also often one of the most difficult to follow. It’s easy to start working out in the summer and even easier to feel good about yourself after going to the gym a few times a week. It also makes it that much easier to justify skipping your workout. Don’t fall into this trap! What starts as one “skip day” quickly turns into a week, which turns into two, and then a month. Before you know it, you’re back where you started. As difficult as it might be, it is important to try and tough it out to get your exercise in every day. If it’s too cold or rainy where you live, consider joining a gym to have a safe and secure space in which to exercise. Don’t give yourself any excuses because your health certainly isn’t.
Weigh Yourself Once a Week
This list of tips for keeping weight off after losing it recommends weighing yourself regularly to help increase your motivation and mindfulness of your goals. The idea isn’t to beat yourself up, but to keep an eye on things and monitor your own progress. While we don’t recommend weighing yourself every single day and expect results, it is good to check in once a week and see how you’re doing.
Set a Schedule That Works for You
This article on helping college students avoid weight gain recommends finding a workout routine that is uniquely tailored to you and your goals. Every body is different and that means what works for one person might not work for you. Maybe you’re not ready for distance running and should be doing interval training instead. Perhaps you’re doing free weights when you should be doing yoga. What’s important is taking the time to figure out your own personal goals and the best way for you to get where you want to be.
Be Reasonable With Yourself
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was anyone’s beach body. This collection of advice on weight loss notes that by setting unrealistic goals or expectations for yourself, you’re probably doing yourself more harm than good. If you set a lofty goal and then fail to meet it, you can easily find yourself falling into spiral of disappointment and low self-esteem. These things do nothing to help strengthen your resolve and can actually make it even more difficult to stay active and continue to follow your fitness plan. By establishing reasonable and attainable goals, you can start to build your confidence, which will help inspire you to workout even more. Start small and build your way up. It’s like they say, nothing succeeds like success.

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