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147 Articles

A muscle building programme for women

The popular misconception is that the only fitness goal women can have…

Five Easy Rules for Building Muscles on a Vegetarian Diet

Many would have it believe that building muscles is only possible if…

Detox with Coconut Water Fasting – What, Why and How?

Coconut water has become increasingly popular as a health drink worldwide as…

Keep Drinking Water for a Healthier Body

Drinking water whenever you feel thirsty is mandatory, but unless you keep…

Four Tips To Keep The Weight Off In Bad Weather

Bad Weather We're now in full on "fall" mode but unfortunately, so…

How to Become a Wellness Coach

Around the world people are becoming more aware of how a healthy…

Candida Overgrowth: Do You Have It And How To Treat It?

Candida is genus of yeasts and it falls into a category of…

Cooking Mistakes that Hinder Your Weight Loss

Cooking Mistakes If you are trying to lose weight, you should know…

Spring Clean Your Diet

Since summer is here, the time has come to junk out the…