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147 Articles

The Mouth-Body Connection- How Oral Hygiene Affects Our Health

The world of medicine is constantly advancing. Every year we see new…

Dental Care & Protection: Bad Habits That Lead to Bad Teeth

Dental Care and Protection All of us have taken a trip to…

6 Common Bathroom Bacteria and How to Fight Them

If you’ve ever seen a toilet cleanser commercial, you probably have the…

How can swimming improve your health and fitness

It’s not uncommon that people who want to lose weight and improve…

Staying in Shape this Winter: Make a run for Fitness

With cold winds arising, fitness plans are pushed down to the deeper…

What You Need to Know When You Want to Remove a Tattoo

Tattoos have come a long way – from being marks of renegades…

Changing the Way You Eat

Staying healthy is, well, one of the most vital things in life.…

Staying Fit in Your Office

The modern world is quite hectic – with the ability to work…

5 Tips for Healthier Sleep

Whether you have a busy day ahead of you, need your beauty…