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143 Articles

Why Obesity among Children is a Big Health Risk?

Be it, kids or adults, obesity can cause many other problems, some…

Is Snoring Linked To Diabetes?

Snoring and Diabetes Snoring is marked to be the specific kind of…

Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight Up To 8 Kilos In A Month

Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight Maybe you have proposed the goal…

Few Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism That Actually Works

Metabolism Metabolism is an important chemical produced inside your body that basically…

7 Most Frequently Asked Questions about Robotic Prostatectomy

What is robotic prostatectomy? Robotic Prostatectomy is a minimally invasive prostatectomy performed…

Diet and Exercise Effectively Help In Weight Loss

Diet and Exercise For Weight Loss Made the decision to lose some…

Best Way to Lose Weight Fast

Lose Weight Fast Do you think you already look too fat? Are…

Why Are Leg Press Exercises Not Recommended?

Long press exercise Working out is not a bad idea but choosing…

Balance Your Diet during the Summer Months

Diet during the Summer Summer is the perfect time to clean up…