Weight Loss Tips
We all know, Pinterest is the home off all great ideas – whether it’s interior trends or fashion. However, Pinterest is also greatly used for diet and weight loss tips.
From all the workout plans, diet plans and even the bets recipes to losing weight, Pinterest is locked and loaded with inspiration for your latest diet craze.
So, we’ve decided to take three of the biggest Pinterest weight loss tips and trends, and see if they’re worth the hype, or if they should be “unpinned” from your page.
Let’s take a look
Apple Cider Vinegar
The truth is, apple cider vinegar does have an array of different health benefits and has been used as a health tonic for thousands of years. But can it help you lose weight?
In short, yes. But only when used in tangent with other weight loss tips and tricks – such as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Apple cider vinegar can:
- Lowers blood sugar levels
- Improve metabolism
- Reduce fat storage
- Burn fat
- Suppress appetite
- Decrease insulin levels
Do not take more than 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar at a time, as it may cause nausea. Also, always mix it with water as undiluted it can burn the inside of your mouth or oesophagus.
Intermittent fasting
Harvard Health Publishing stated that whilst it can help weight loss, as our insulin levels go down, and our body begins to burn fat.
However, it isn’t as fast or effective as you might want. There’s a danger that those using this technique will indulge too much in moments and days where they aren’t fasting – which ends up being counterproductive.
We suggest that you aim towards a healthy eating pattern, that feels natural and doesn’t make your appetite hormone work in overdrive.
Japanese water
On first glance, we thought it might be some supplemented water – but turns out it is just a water routine.
It states that you should drink six glasses of water as soon as you wake up, on an empty stomach. Glasses of water after a shower or bath, a glass of water before your meal, and a glass before you sleep.
We’re not entirely sure of the benefits of this one, it seems more like an urban myth. That being said, water is always a great thing to make sure you’re getting enough of, especially if you’re changing up your diet.
Your Thought on Weight Loss Tips
We hope this helps you when you’re endlessly searching through Pinterest for your next weight loss trend.
If you have any question, please use the comments box below.

Here at Selfweightloss, we show you how to lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle with tips and articles on Weight Loss, Fitness, Diet, Nutrition and Food, updated daily by our community of authors and editors.