Weight loss quickly
No need to embark on a draconian diet to weight loss: just by re-balancing our eating habits, we can already alleviate 3 pounds (almost) without moving a finger!
Here are 10 tips to weight loss quickly and without starving
Tip # 1 weight loss: do a little sport every day
This is a recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO): to stay healthy (and, secondarily, prevent unwanted pounds to settle), you must practice at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. The specialist advises us to walk as often as possible during the day: “for it to be effective, you have to walk at a fast pace, breathing through your mouth”. So, leave your car in the garage … “If you want to refine more quickly, you can add a weekly sport session to your schedule: choose endurance sports such as swimming or Pilates.”’
# 2: recognize satiety
Satiety is the sensation that occurs when you have eaten enough. “Train yourself to recognize satiety and stop eating when you feel it. Thus, you will consume only the calories you need. To recognize satiety, it’s easy: “it’s when you do not feel any more pleasure in eating,” says the specialist. Of course, to train to feel satiety, you must eat slowly, sitting and (if possible) calm. “A meal should last at least 15 minutes – and you must be at the table, not in front of the TV!
# 3 to lose 3 pounds: prefer still water
“Water is the only essential drink! A large glass of water = 0 Kcal. On the contrary, 100 ml of multifruit juice = 50.7 Kcal and (worse) 100 ml of red, white or rosé wine = about 70 Kcal.
“Drink at least 1.5 L of water every day, especially if it is hot: good hydration is important because it allows the proper functioning of the body’s mechanisms (including those that make you lose weight) and this avoids water retention in the legs and face “adds the specialist.
# 4: do not feel guilty
You have eaten the cookie pack? Do not panic, according to the psychologist-dietician, guilt is the worst enemy of our silhouette: “when we feel guilty for having made a food gap, we will tend to over-react, we will go on diet dry, with water and dry bread! However, this drastic reaction will generate frustration: after a week or two, we will get tired … and we will crack again. It is a vicious circle, which leads us to grow bigger.
Conclusion? “Indulge yourself from time to time when you feel the need. And do not forget that a balanced weight loss is long-term: it’s not a little cookie that will ruin all your efforts! “
Tip #: take
care of yourself
Massages, manicure / pedicure sessions, hairdresser … So many small gestures that boost our self-esteem. And that too, it helps us lose weight and lose 3 pounds! “The image that one has of oneself, if it is negative, involves dietary restrictions. I do not find myself pretty, so I’m going to deprive myself of trying to improve my situation. Conversely, if I take care of myself, my relationship with food will be more serene, as pacified. Which allows for healthy weight loss? It was enough to think about it.
Tip # 6: buy
raw and natural products
It’s no secret that industrial products are not good for our figure. Too high in sugars, salt and fat, they are often very caloric and promote the storage of fat in the fat cells.
“When you go shopping, prefer natural products and, especially, raw, advises the specialist. Indeed, when cooking, we control the amount of fats, sugars and salt that we incorporate in our recipes: on the other hand, it allows us to find the pleasure of eating (the famous “it’s me who did it! “) and it can even help us discover new foods, good for the health and for the line. “
Tip # 7 to lose 3 pounds: respect your body
It may seem obvious, but we will still repeat: your body is an ally, no way to hurt him … “Avoid too intense sport, diets too difficult to follow, odd food supplements … In short, do not do something you would not recommend to a friend. Because even if we really want to lose them, these 3 kilos, we do not want to go through the box “torture”.
Tip # 8 to
weight loss: write down three positive things each day
“The desire to lose weight can quickly become an obsession: our lives are turned around these extra pounds and quickly, self-esteem takes a hit. However, I think it is important to relativize this problem which, finally, is not so central. From where the advice of the specialist: every night, note on a small notebook 3 positive things that you have lived during the day. “By boosting your self-esteem, you will naturally adopt healthy eating reflexes, since you will want to do yourself good. And presto, that’s how we get refined.
Tip # 9 to lose 3
kilos: valorize products rich in fibers
Pasta, bread and rice, green vegetables, quinoa … The fibers are everywhere and that’s good because they want us only good. According to a recent theory, fibers would help to harmonize the gut microbiota: a balance needed to stay healthy and get rid of our extra pounds.
Better: because they are an appetite suppressant (in contact with water, the fibers grow up to 20 times their initial volume), they protect us against cravings late afternoon.
Tip # 10 to
lose 3 kilos: rejoice in its small success
“Better to set several small goals in a row rather than a big goal slimming: psychologically, it is much more likely to get there! For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds, start with a first step at – 5 pounds. And when you reach it, do not hesitate to congratulate yourself warmly: a new handbag, a session at the hairdresser, a trip …
We hope you learn something this post. If you have other tips to weight loss quickly, please share them with us.

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